Spinshot Home Tennis Ball Machine

Home Tennis Ball Machine
The new Spinshot Home indoor tennis ball machine is perfect for indoor practice or in a small space outside your home.
You can now practice tennis at home even if you don't have a tennis court. The amazing new Spinshot Home has a compact design that allows set up and practice in small spaces.
Auto Ball Return
The clever design of the Spinshot Home catches tennis balls in it's net and drops them straight back into the machine.
Load the ball machine up with around 8 balls and you can play non-stop for as long as your balls hit the net.
Speed Settings
The Spinshot Home has four ball speeds to challenge a variety of skill levels.
Speed 1 is perfect for the youngest player - throwing soft balls close to the net at a low height.
Speeds 2 - 4 throw balls slightly longer and higher to allow for different skills and the space available. The more space you have the higher the level you can use.
AC or Battery Power
The Spinshot Home runs on either 2 x D batteries or mains power.
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